Richard Roxburgh is List of works performed.

Richard Roxburgh List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Moulin Rouge! (2001)Actor, Insertion music6.91 / 10.0362
FRAGILE (2005)Actor6.91 / 10.012
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)Voice Artist6.11 / 10.017
Oscar and Lucinda (1997)Actor6.09 / 10.011
Children of the Revolution (1996)Actor6.00 / 10.01
Elvis (2022)Actor6.00 / 10.020
Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan (2018)Actor5.80 / 10.05
The Hound of the Baskervilles (2002)Actor5.66 / 10.03
THE ONE AND ONLY (2002)Actor5.59 / 10.05
Van Helsing (2004)Actor5.43 / 10.0180
SANCTUM (2010)Actor5.38 / 10.031
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)Actor5.32 / 10.0156
Mission: Impossible II (2000)Actor5.31 / 10.0408
Romulus, My Father (2007)Director5.00 / 10.01
Stealth (2005)Actor4.66 / 10.0102
The Touch (2002)Actor4.33 / 10.03
Angel of Mine (2019)Actor2.00 / 10.01

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