Nicolas Cage is List of works performed.

Nicolas Cage List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
GRINDHOUSE (2007)Actor8.27 / 10.011
Amos & Andrew (1993)Actor8.00 / 10.02
20TH CENTURY FOX: THE BLOCKBUSTER YEARS (2000)Other Cast8.00 / 10.01
The Rock (1996)Actor7.83 / 10.0447
Face/Off (1997)Actor7.44 / 10.0440
Kick-Ass (2010)Actor7.32 / 10.0202
Willy's Wonderland (2020)Actor, Producer 7.29 / 10.017
Birdy (1984)Actor7.27 / 10.068
The Family Man (2000)Actor7.26 / 10.0194
G-FORCE (2009)Voice Artist7.20 / 10.05
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)Voice Artist7.14 / 10.035
The Life of David Gale (2003)Producer 7.11 / 10.0184
Guarding Tess (1994)Actor7.00 / 10.042
Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001)Voice Artist7.00 / 10.02
Renfield (2023)Actor7.00 / 10.01
Lord of War (2005)Actor, Producer 6.95 / 10.099
Matchstick Men (2003)Actor6.92 / 10.0190
Trapped In Paradise (1994)Actor6.86 / 10.015
Leaving Las Vegas (1995)Actor, Insertion music6.84 / 10.0109
The Croods (2013)Voice Artist6.83 / 10.06
Rumble Fish (1983)Actor6.82 / 10.045
Moonstruck (1987)Actor6.58 / 10.081
Vampire's Kiss (1988)Actor6.50 / 10.02
It Could Happen to You (1994)Actor6.44 / 10.087
Wild at Heart (1990)Actor6.44 / 10.061
Snowden (2016)Actor6.43 / 10.030
CON AIR (1997)Actor6.37 / 10.0278
The Flash (2023)Actor6.31 / 10.019
The Weather Man (2005)Actor6.22 / 10.018
Pig (2021)Actor, Producer 6.16 / 10.06

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
68th(1995 year) Performance by an actor in a leading role Kick-Ass Winner
75th(2002 year) Performance by an actor in a leading role アダプテーション Nomination

Golden Raspberry Award

Year Department Title Name
27th(2006 year) Worst Actor ウィッカーマン(2006) Nomination
27th(2006 year) Worst Screen Couple ウィッカーマン(2006) Nomination
28th(2007 year) Worst Actor ナショナル・トレジャー/リンカーン暗殺者の日記 Nomination
33th(2012 year) Worst Actor ゴーストライダー2 Nomination
35th(2014 year) Worst Actor レフト・ビハインド Nomination
37th(2016 year) Worst Supporting Actor スノーデン Nomination

Golden Globe Awards

Year Department Title Name
45th(1987 year) Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -Musical or Comedy 20TH CENTURY FOX: THE BLOCKBUSTER YEARS Nomination
50th(1992 year) Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -Musical or Comedy ハネムーン・イン・ベガス Nomination
53th(1995 year) Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama Kick-Ass Winner
60th(2002 year) Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture -Musical or Comedy アダプテーション Nomination
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