Motoko Kumai is List of works performed.

Motoko Kumai List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Tooth Fairy (2010)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.01
Yona Yona Penguin (2009)Voice Artist3.20 / 10.05
Dreamcatcher (2003)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.0217
Honey (2003)Voice Artist6.14 / 10.014
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)Voice Artist6.41 / 10.051
3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)Voice Artist5.24 / 10.045
Bounce (2000)Voice Artist4.88 / 10.063
Anna and the King (1999)Voice Artist6.47 / 10.086
music of the heart (1999)Voice Artist6.75 / 10.0113
Lost in Space (1998)Voice Artist5.23 / 10.078
Babe: Pig in the City (1998)Voice Artist5.87 / 10.063
Liar Liar (1997)Voice Artist6.96 / 10.0160
Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)Voice Artist3.39 / 10.0215
Children of Heaven (1997)Voice Artist7.64 / 10.0187
The Ice Storm (1997)Voice Artist5.82 / 10.034
My Life In Pink (1997)Voice Artist6.33 / 10.027
Independence Day (1996)Voice Artist5.53 / 10.0576
Sleepers (1996)Voice Artist6.04 / 10.0192
Heaven's Prisoners (1996)Voice Artist5.18 / 10.011
Space Jam (1996)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.029
Screamers (1996)Voice Artist5.90 / 10.021
Casper (1995)Voice Artist5.36 / 10.090
Jumanji (1995)Voice Artist6.51 / 10.0241
Babe (1995)Voice Artist7.13 / 10.0176
The War (1994)Voice Artist7.13 / 10.051
Free Willy (1993)Voice Artist6.18 / 10.033

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