Albert Wolsky is List of related works.

Albert Wolsky List of related works
Main person in charge : Costume Designer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Galaxy Quest (1999)Costume Designer7.93 / 10.0297
Road To Perdition (2002)Costume Designer6.06 / 10.0270
You've Got Mail (1998)Costume Designer6.38 / 10.0247
The Jackal (1997)Costume Designer4.42 / 10.0180
The Pelican Brief (1993)Costume Designer5.57 / 10.094
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)Costume Designer6.35 / 10.080
Runaway Bride (1999)Costume Designer4.78 / 10.071
Junior (1994)Costume Designer4.86 / 10.061
Sophie's Choise (1982)Costume Designer7.42 / 10.059
Manhattan (1979)Costume Designer7.03 / 10.052
Grease (1978)Costume Designer6.27 / 10.051
Harry and Tonto (1974)Costume Designer7.38 / 10.050
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)Costume Designer6.04 / 10.047
Jarhead (2005)Costume Designer5.65 / 10.047
maid in manhattan (2002)Costume Designer4.66 / 10.045
Up Close & Personal (1996)Costume Designer5.59 / 10.042
Revolutionary Road (2008)Costume Designer6.04 / 10.041
Striptease (1996)Costume Designer2.97 / 10.039
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)Costume Designer5.60 / 10.038
Bugsy (1991)Costume Designer5.08 / 10.034
Ad Astra (2019)Costume Designer4.39 / 10.033
All That Jazz (1979)Costume Designer6.90 / 10.032
To Be or Not to Be (1983)Costume Designer8.21 / 10.023
Toys (1992)Costume Designer5.09 / 10.021
The Turning Point (1977)Costume Designer6.66 / 10.021
The Grass Harp (1995)Costume Designer6.60 / 10.020
Duplicity (2009)Costume Designer5.75 / 10.020
Across The Universe (2007)Costume Designer6.10 / 10.019
She-Devil (1989)Costume Designer4.55 / 10.018
Lenny (1974)Costume Designer8.00 / 10.016

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
52th(1979 year) Costume Design She-Devil Winner
55th(1982 year) Costume Design The Jackal Nomination
64th(1991 year) Costume Design Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) Winner
65th(1992 year) Costume Design The Pelican Brief Nomination
80th(2007 year) Costume Design アクロス・ザ・ユニバース Nomination
81th(2008 year) Costume Design レボリューショナリー・ロード/燃え尽きるまで Nomination
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