Noboru Matsuhashi is List of works performed.

Noboru Matsuhashi List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Casanova (2005)Voice Artist5.58 / 10.017
Dungeons & Dragons (2000)Voice Artist3.17 / 10.073
The Portrait of a Lady (1996)Voice Artist3.83 / 10.031
La Reine Margot (1994)Voice Artist6.79 / 10.034
The Shadow (1994)Voice Artist4.07 / 10.013
Ashes of Time (1994)Voice Artist4.63 / 10.011
Little Buddha (1993)Voice Artist5.95 / 10.048
The Lover (1992)Voice Artist6.47 / 10.085
Dragon Inn (1992)Voice Artist5.85 / 10.07
The First Power (1990)Voice Artist5.80 / 10.05
Love and Death in Saigon: A Better Tomorrow III (1990)Voice Artist5.22 / 10.09
Sex,Lies And Videotape (1989)Voice Artist5.82 / 10.086
The Last Emperor (1987)Voice Artist7.25 / 10.0167
The Hidden (1987)Voice Artist7.45 / 10.0107
The Last Emperor (1987)Voice Artist8.16 / 10.018
Labyrinth (1986)Voice Artist7.09 / 10.076
LIFEFORCE (1985)Voice Artist5.54 / 10.082
DUNE (1984)Voice Artist5.65 / 10.082
Chui Lian Ting Zheng (1984)Voice Artist5.33 / 10.06
Psycho II (1983)Voice Artist6.26 / 10.030
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)Voice Artist6.73 / 10.0192
Columbo:Try And Catch Me (1977)Voice Artist6.48 / 10.025
1900 (1976)Voice Artist7.29 / 10.027
The Four Musketeers (1974)Voice Artist5.42 / 10.07
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)Voice Artist7.00 / 10.019
The Three Musketeers (1973)Voice Artist6.72 / 10.011
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)Voice Artist7.32 / 10.098
The Bible: in the Beginning ... (1966)Voice Artist6.62 / 10.027
Full Sun (1960)Voice Artist8.00 / 10.0229

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